Share this postThe Independent ThinkingChange comes in a secondCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePlayback speed×Share postShare post at current timeShare from 0:000:00/0:00Preview3Share this postThe Independent ThinkingChange comes in a secondCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1Change comes in a secondThe opposite of Netflix (if you watch this video)Marcelo MariniOct 03, 2024∙ Paid3Share this postThe Independent ThinkingChange comes in a secondCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1SharePhoto by Brendan Church on UnsplashBut you have to build.You have to work on it and put in your time and attention.You are programmed. Your results show how you are programmed.It's not your fault, bu…This post is for paid subscribersSubscribeAlready a paid subscriber? Sign inThe Independent ThinkingSubscribeAuthorsMarcelo MariniRecent PostsCreate your futureSep 18 • Marcelo MariniExcellence is a daily habitAug 9 • Marcelo MariniTake the direction you want in life.Aug 1 • Marcelo MariniHow to practice Independent Thinking - When and How.Jul 25 • Marcelo Marini