The endless uncontent
There’s always fresh minds to buy fresh news, man are not content. Content is what he buys, first he pays with his attention - which costs his life in that moment - then with his money...
"Some people get rich studying artificial intelligence. Me, I make money studying natural stupidity." - Carl Icahn.
Let’s say you read the news everyday… I bet you have two reasons for that. One is that you believe it’s true. Second, you find it fun and laugh.
People that read the news end up believing what they are reading, some will say it’s better laugh, which this author agrees.
Mislead by the eye.
As today the average person interacts in social media, he must also get the parallel world that happens to be maintained there. This common “media opinion” ends up being words used as ways to influence the reader - the propaganda.
As the propaganda propels misleading, errors and biased opinion the world change. It’s inherit of change to have somebody that listens to it, therefore society changes.
As of friends who get drunk someday, may be drinking more often than when they get drunk.